About us

Replacing charity with empowerment

Our vision

Our vision is a world in which every person who is forced to flee has effective, dignified and safe access to the fundamental right to international protection.

Our mission is twofold:

Providing Holistic and Empowering Legal Aid

We create positive impact for people who seek asylum in terms of their well-being, empowerment and access to rights.

Working Towards Justice

We advocate for a structurally more fair and just asylum system in Greece and Europe at large.

Our values


Working in a complex setting demands the ability to efficiently and effectively handle change. At Fenix, we are constantly developing new strategies to tailor our services to the needs of our clients and maximize the impact of our work.


In the context of an asylum system that has been designed to treat asylum seekers as beneficiaries instead of agents with responsibility and decision-making power, we believe in information and knowledge as tools for agency.


We strive to deliver our service at the highest quality. Therefore, our work is guided by ethical and professional standards,  policies and a Code of Conduct, and provided by highly skilled and trained staff.


We recognize the situation of vulnerability our clients are in, and the additional adverse effects this context can have on clients as well as staff. Our teams are trained on trauma-informed service provision, with the aim of preventing retraumatization and secondary trauma.

A multidisciplinary team

We combine experience in international, European and refugee law, psychology, social work, anthropology, gender, cultural mediation, child protection, trafficking, FGM, advocacy and communications, human rights and women's rights and field work in refugee camps worldwide.

Fenix Team in Greece

Greek Board of Directors

USA Board of Trustees